Sunday, January 31, 2010

No weight work out: 01/31


two rounds

50 lunges
50 knee to elbows
25 pushups


PWO2 Day 13


20 mins

20 Fig8 to Hold (10 “holds” each side)

10 Mountain Climbers

Side Plank R (10-sec hold)

Side Plank L (10-sec hold)

Saturday, January 30, 2010

NO weight work out: 01/30


Three rounds:

50 squats
10 plyo pushups ( a push up where on your up motion you push to get off the ground with both hands, a clapping pushup would be the advance to this movement.)


Friday, January 29, 2010

no weight work out: 01/29


Three rounds of
50 lunges
20 dive bomb pushups

Thursday, January 28, 2010

no weight work out: 01/28


five rounds of
20 squats
20 burpees


PWO2 Day 12


4 rounds

Reps vary.

Pullups: 13, 11, 7, 5

KB Lunges (reps for each side, alternating LRLR…): 13, 11, 7, 5

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Making smart choices in 2010!

Westmont's Health and Wellness Committee focuses on every aspect of making healthy choices. Please watch this youtube video and remember why Today Matters. Every choice we make can affect so many!!

No weight work out: 01/27


two rounds of
50 box jumps
15 pull ups

PWO2 Day 11


15 rounds

3 HK2E

5 KB Swings


Tuesday, January 26, 2010

no weight work out: 01/26

Again a little fartlick training:

10 rounds of:

Sprint 100 meters
walk 100 meters


PWO2 Day 10

AMRAP 20 mins

20 KB Fig8 Side Lunge (10 to each side)

10 Diamond Pushups

Superman (15-sec hold)

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Too Much Sitting??

How Much Sitting is Too Much? (click on the underlined links)

Several studies in recent years have established that there is a strong connection between how much time you spend sitting and your risk of significant health problems (especially obesity and diabetes) and even premature death. Coach Nancy recently blogged about some of this research here.

A new study reported this week indicates that even as little as a few hours of continuous sitting causes metabolic changes that increase blood sugar levels and decrease the amount of fat used as fuel, therefore increasing the amount that goes back into storage as body fat.

It's important to understand that the issue here is not just that you burn fewer calories when you're sitting around. Long periods of sitting actually cause unhealthy changes in your metabolism.

These studies are showing that extended sitting actually changes the way your body processes glucose and fat. When you are actively moving around, fat circulating in your blood stream will migrate towards active muscles to be taken in and used as fuel. But this study shows that when you are sitting still, the enzyme responsible for taking fat out of the bloodstream and into muscle cells is deactivated, and that circulating fat is instead picked up and stored by fat cells. Researchers injected small amounts of fat into animals that were sitting, and found that it didn't stay in the blood vessels that pass through the muscles. Instead, it was picked up by the fat cells found around internal organs.

Several hours of inactivity reduce the activity of the enzyme lipoprotein lipase, which is responsible for breaking down fat for use as fuel by muscle cells. Researchers did muscle biopsies of sedentary people and found that lipoprotean lipase was suppressed to 10% of normal levels, resulting in fat retention, lower levels of good cholesterol, and a slower metabolic rate.

This study also indicates that even substantial amounts of formal cardio exercise may not be enough to counteract or overcome these negative effects of sitting for long periods of time. Apparently, you can’t make up for sitting for hours at a time simply by making sure you get your 30-60 minutes of exercise every day.

But the good news is that short bouts of physical activity, spread through the day so that they interrupt your sitting time, can help reduce the negative effects of too much sitting. It doesn’t have to be high intensity activity, like formal exercise—simply getting up and walking around the office or the house for 5 minutes every hour can really help.

No weight work out: 01/25

Fartlick training:

16 rounds of:

sprint 100 meters
walk 100 meters

That is two miles of distance you are covering. If you need to walk and jog that is fine too but make sure you pace changes every 100 meters.


No weight work out: 01/24


Two Rounds of:

75 lunges
30 sit ups


Saturday, January 23, 2010

No weight work out: 01/23


four rounds of

30 air squats
10 dive bomber pushups


PWO2-day 9


3 rounds reps vary

KB clean and press left 19, 13, 7
KP clean and press right 19, 13, 7
burpees 19,13,7

Friday, January 22, 2010

No weight work out: 01/22


100 pullups

This may take awile, kip up or jump it does not matter. Do you best to get your chest to the bar. Do not worry about the decelleration or lowering yourself. Come down fast and right back up. Take as many breaks as you need but do what you can to get the 100.


Thursday, January 21, 2010

Managing our food choices?

"The only wat to keep your health is to eat what you don't want to, drink what you don't like, and dow what you'd rather not." --Mark Twain

With that said:

The key to healthy eating is moderation and managing what you eat every day. Don't rely on crash diets. Don't worry about what you ate yesterday. Don't put off good eating until tomorrow. Just try to eat what's best for you in the moment. Focus on now.

No weight work out: 01/21


two rounds of

50 box jumps ( you choose your height, use a step, a 18" box or a 24" box
30 back extensions (no hold....just contract and relax)


PWO2-day 8


2 rounds at 25 reps each exercise each round

tuck jumps
KB fig 8(50 total handoffs each round)
KB font squats
KB standing overhead press left
KB standing overhead press right
inverted rows

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Words of Wisdom

Early this month we again spoke about the importance of a journal. Both that food journal and exercise journal are tools to hold you accountable for your every day decisions.

"Keep what you have written as a constant reminder, because......
Reflection today motivates your discipline every day, and
Discipline every day maximizes your decisions of yesterday."

--John C. Maxwell

PWO2-day 7

AMRAP in 20 minutes:

TGU left: 1,2,3,4,5,6...
TGU right: 1,2,3,4,5,6...

No weight work out: 01/20


5 rounds of

20 lunges
16 pushups or 8 one arm pushups (control your range of motion)


Monday, January 18, 2010

No weight work out: 01/19


75 burpees


No weight work out: 01/18


Two rounds of

75 squats
50 leg raises (either single of double)


PWO2-day 6


3 rounds reps very (first set 23, second set 17, third set 11)

KB swings; 23,17,11
KB clean and press left side; 23, 17, 11
KB clean and press right side; 23, 17, 11
pull ups or inverted rows; 23, 17, 11

Sunday, January 17, 2010

No weight work out: 01/17


Three rounds

40 squat thrusts
12 pull ups (remember these can be jumping pull ups or inverted rows)


PWO2-day 5


12 rounds

8 KB sumo DL high pulls
8 seated knee tucks
10 KB Lunges alternating steps (5 each side)
10 pushups

Saturday, January 16, 2010

NO weight work out: 01/16


Five rounds of

20 squat thrusts
20 squats


PWO2-day 4

AMRAP - As many rounds as possible

20 minutes

20 KB figure 8 to a hold
10 KB clean and press each side
10 pull-ups/jumping pull ups/or inverted rows

Friday, January 15, 2010

NO weight work out: 01/15


Two rounds

65 squat thrusts (remember burpee without the pushup)
15 burpees

Yes that is a lot of burpee "stuff" but get it done. These are excellent metcon workout!


Thursday, January 14, 2010

No weight work out: 01/14


Three rounds

40 Squat thrusts (burpee without the pushup)
50 leg raises ( you can alternate legs)


Wednesday, January 13, 2010

No weight work out: 01/13


Two rounds

75 squats
25 pushups


PWO2 Day 3


10 rounds

5 HK2E (Hanging knees to elbows)

Superman (15-sec hold)

10 KB Front Squat

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

No weight work out: 01/12


Two rounds
100 squats
25 situps


PWO2 Day 2


15 rounds

15 KB Deadlifts

3 Burpees

Monday, January 11, 2010

No weight work out: 01/11


10 rounds of
10 broad jumps as far as you can jump
10 lunges
4 pistol squats (complete at a range of motion where you can complete the squat)




WarmUp Routines: Try a circuit of pullups, air squats, pushups, situps, and/or Superman. However avoid or limit a movement if the day calls for that exercise in the WO (ex: Before a pullup WO, limit WU pullups).

The two main workout strategies are:

As Fast As Possible (AFAP): Complete the prescribed workout in the fastest time you can.

As Many Rounds As Possible (AMRAP): Complete as many rounds as you can within the prescribed time period.

Also record the load (weight) of KBs used for each movement. For some movements, heavier KBs are reasonable (Ex: Deadlift, SDLHP Sumo deadlift high pulls)

Pullups can be substituted with 2Xs Inverted Rows. (1 pullup = 2 IRs)

KB Snatches can be substituted with Swings or C&P( clean and press)

PWO2 Day 1


20 mins

3 Pullups

6 Diamond Pushups

10 KB Swings

5 KB Standing Overhead Press (each side)

(See KB C&P video, and ignore Clean portion)

Sunday, January 10, 2010

No weight work out: 01/10


2 rounds of

50 squats
50 lunges
25 pushups (complete against wall, from knees, or knees of combination of all)


Saturday, January 9, 2010

No weight work out: 01/09


10 rounds of
15 squat thrusts ( burpee without the pushup)
10 situps
5 pull ups (jumping pull ups are fine)


Friday, January 8, 2010

No weight work out: 01/08


3 rounds of
50 air squats
4 pistol squats (complete the range of motion to the best of your ability)


Thursday, January 7, 2010

No weight work out: 01/07

AMRAP ( As many rounds as possible) in 10 minutes:

10 box jumps
5 pull ups

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

No weight work out: 01/06


five rounds of

20 squats
15 back extensions

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Monday, January 4, 2010

No weight work out: 01/04


Three Rounds of

50 squats
15 knees to elbows

Sunday, January 3, 2010

No weight work out: 01/03


Three rounds
50 lunges
15 dive bomber pushups
10 pull ups

Saturday, January 2, 2010

No weight work out: 01/02


Four rounds
30 squats
10 squat thrusts

The squat thrust is the same as the burpee without a pushup. Video can be viewed on the side of this page. If you add the pushup that is fine too!

Friday, January 1, 2010

No weight work out: 01/01

Four rounds
30 lunges
4 one arm pushups, or 12 regular push ups

Happy New Year

Happy New Year to all of you!! Have we thought about and prepared those goals for 2010. My list has gotten much larger and I will share them with you at out meeting on Thursday. Today I will begin posting "No weight workouts" and will continue for the entire year. There will be intermittent breaks where we may add no shorter duration workouts similar to the "Prison Workouts." Prison Workout 2 will begin January 11.

Lets stay focused and continue to make good food choices. Please email me with any concerns or questions.