Monday, January 11, 2010



WarmUp Routines: Try a circuit of pullups, air squats, pushups, situps, and/or Superman. However avoid or limit a movement if the day calls for that exercise in the WO (ex: Before a pullup WO, limit WU pullups).

The two main workout strategies are:

As Fast As Possible (AFAP): Complete the prescribed workout in the fastest time you can.

As Many Rounds As Possible (AMRAP): Complete as many rounds as you can within the prescribed time period.

Also record the load (weight) of KBs used for each movement. For some movements, heavier KBs are reasonable (Ex: Deadlift, SDLHP Sumo deadlift high pulls)

Pullups can be substituted with 2Xs Inverted Rows. (1 pullup = 2 IRs)

KB Snatches can be substituted with Swings or C&P( clean and press)


  1. Who is following the PWO2 through this group? Please post your name and a quick intro.. as the developer of the PWO series, I'm purely curious.

  2. Not sure who yet we have buy in from yet Lou. I will keep you posted. Hope all is well with you! "Brain room" huh??
