Thursday, February 18, 2010


After speaking to a friend this morning I wanted to share a thought with you. Everything we do, rather its fitness, diet, or family comes down to personal preferences. If you enjoy doing something and you feel that it's good for you, then keep on doing that. Something that suits me might not be suitable for you and vice versa. Everyone does and preaches what they believe in. There are many great and experienced trainers or teachers who tell very different things and although completely different, it all makes sense. The thing is that there is no such thing as the "one and only right way." For every person and for every goal there is a different path. Someone may like marathon running, other may like the Crossfit methods and lifting eighty pound duffel bags but someone else may think the "old school" weight lifting techniques is the answer to all questions. And I or anybody else can not say that he is right and he is wrong. Keys to success include keeping an open mind, not falling into that routine, and continuing to read to challenge your mind!

1 comment:

  1. Schlik, I'm always one to jump into a great argument and healthy debate.

    I'm guilty of the following mistake myself, so I point no fingers. I do what works for me....which takes me closer to MY goals. When we don't take OTHERS' goals into account, then we fail them. What we ALL must do is learn how to clearly articulate, describe, and measure goals. Only when one can identify the "end product" can one figure out the path there.

    I frequently fail at pressing others to describe what THEIR personal goals are.

    Don't take my path unless you're going to the same destination! Although my destination is pretty friggen sweet!!!
