Saturday, November 28, 2009

New Goals!

Healthy Focus Group and friends, GREAT job today! We had a beautiful day and there was a lot of positive emotions flowing through that inspired crowd. Remember what we said weeks ago, this is not an easy process and if it was easy we would all be on those magazine covers. The process needs to be day by day or hour by hour. The goals we set need to be long term and more importantly short term. Have you set some new short term goals? Is it a simple weight loss number, a size down in the pants, or is it going to be, "I can exercise for 30 minutes and feel good when I m done." I am still thinking about this, I know what I want to do but not sure how to measure the progress.

We can talk about our new goals more on Thursday, 11:30-12:00 at the Water Department on Burlington. These meetings are for all village employees and park district employees and their families. Spread the word! I am excited to see this group continue to grow. We can look forward to spring. Mr. Fleck has done a great job with the installation of that fitness equipment at TyPark. Spring time we can move those meeting to the park!!

I am not sure how many of you utilized those PWO's. Those workout were challenging, I believe more challenging in the head then physically. Who would have ever thought 20 minutes could ever go by so slow. My friend Lou has a very similar work out using a kettlebell (KB). This will up and coming around Christmas time. What a great gift to reward yourself with, these can be purchased at almost every exercise store. If you need any guidance please let me know.

Once again, great job today. I am glad to know each one of you and am excited to move forward into our next phase. Think about those goals and we will talk soon.



  1. I'll be starting another HARD ROUTINE beginning Jan 2nd, for two months. Dietary rules are determined by each participant, and a positive activity might be that second Prison Workout with kettlebell.

    The PWO#2 has 26 sessions that can be strung out for two months, with running/walking/cardio on other days. Imagine 3-4 PWO#2 sessions and 1-2 runs per week! What an excellent goal to complete.

    If everyone agrees to complete 13 sessions in January and 13 in February, all can stay on-track.

  2. Jim
    Great motivation there! I loved every minute of the 5K experience, including the pumpkin pancakes afterwards. The 300 squats were tough but felt so good. Think of goals everyone - one step at a time - as jim said if it were easy, well, let's remember this is a journey and full of lessons to learn. You will achieve if you believe! See you Thursday!
