Wednesday, November 4, 2009

PWO1-Day 1

20 minutes; as many rounds as possible

5 pushups
10 seated kneed tucks
10 air squats


  1. All right, I am telling you all this is so much a mental challenge! I went through 23 times with 5 pushups and 10 knee tucks. Squats were deep, I went below parallel and did my best to keep my heels down on the squats.

  2. My son Troy, 8 years old, got through 20 sets in 20 minutes. His squats were very low, very very low. Like there is no way I could get that low!! Great job T-dog!!

  3. 14 times in 20 :( I did concentrate on getting deeper in my pushups as I've been babying my wrist. So I went slow & as low as I could get!
