Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The Hard Routine

What is the diet? We each have different eating downfalls. For me, it's chocolate chip cookies and sugar free iced vanilla coffees from MCD's. Healthy eating choices are critical to
making body changes. The diet is what you make it. For me, I'm avoiding those above two favorites and am going to eat broccoli everyday. I am limiting starches such as pasta, pizza, and potatoes to only a few meals per week, pizza only once! I will also limit bread and those fast food trips because of the hectic schedule. I am also making efforts to add leafy vegetables and nuts every day. But those are MY rules. You need to come up with your own! I'll help you.

Should I keep a journal? Absolutely!! Keeping tabs on your food and your activity holds one more accountable. We have said this time and time again! It can be as detailed as you
are willing to make it...but keep it realistic. If weighing your food on a kitchen scale is your plan, that's a big commitment. Maybe tallying calories is even too much. I find it really hard to write in "large McDonald's chocolate shake" on my food journal. I find it harder to write down 1160 calories!!! Also, keep a log of your workouts. It keeps us all honest, and tracks progress too.

This sounds challenging. No kidding! If it were easy, everyone would look like the cover model. Make the commitment to be healthy. It's for two months.....

WOD 09/30/2009


4 sets

400 meter run
50 air squats

Healthy Focus WOD 09/30/2009


Four sets

400 meter walk /run
25 air squats

Good spot to complete this is the high school. One lap is 400 meters. Get those squats as low as you can and stay in the pain free range of motion. Abdominals tight and keep, keep your weight on your heels as you push through the squats.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Hard Routine

I need workout ideas. Maybe you need strength workouts. Maybe you need cardio workouts. Maybe you need a beginner workout that is easy to follow. Maybe you have access to a gym or health club, or maybe you need to do the workouts at home. I will help you along based on what your physical needs are, as well as what equipment you have access to.

I have no idea where to start regarding workouts. I'll help you. Just ask. Don't let that keep you from participating. No one is too far out of shape to begin. Sitting on the couch is a one way street...getting fatter and more out of shape!

I'm a woman and don't want to get bulky muscles. Many women are under a wrong impression that weight training produces bulky muscles. That is false. Women need weight training moreso than men. It would take a tremendous amount of serious weightlifting and protein supplements to get bulky. Likewise, the words "toned" or "toning" exercises are also false. There are only two ways to get so-called "toned." You must gain muscle, and lose the fat that surrounds those muscles. Weightlifting for women is a virtual MUST.

I have a big butt/tummy/thighs. What should I do? Well, first off, there is a rumor that situps or ab workouts will flatten a flabby tummy. That is called "spot reduction." It's the thought that the ThighMaster gives you thinner thighs. It too is false. To get thinner thighs, you must
lose the fat that has settled there. We each have a genetically predetermined place that our fat settles. For me, it's the "half of spare tire around my sides and low back." For many women, it's "grandma arms" or "thunder thighs." If you attempt to workout those specific areas, you will find it doesn't work.
Never has....never will.

More tomorrow! October 1 is a few days away, what are you going to do? What changes do you want to see! Lets get on the path together!

Healthy Focus WOD 09/29/2009

AFAP ( As Fast As Possible)

20 air squats
10 minute walk
20 air squats
10 minute walk
20 air squat
10 minute walk
20 air squats

If you can run a minute or two in each walk, run, or at least pick the pace up a little.

WOD 09/29/2009

Complete as many rounds as possible 20 minutes of:

95 pound Thruster, 5 reps
95 pound Hang Powercleans, 7 reps
95 pound Sumo Deadlift High-pull, 10 reps

Monday, September 28, 2009

The Hard Routine

Why a specific two-month session? Because goal-oriented training and conditioning must be related to a TIME or an end date. There is a light at the end of the tunnel, and it is December 1st! On December 1st, we each can re-evaluate what went good and where we need
improvement. We can probably all make difficult decisions regarding food and activity for two months....right?

What are the physical workouts? They are whatever you want them to be. For some of you, you are already doing some terrific exercise sessions. For others, you need to get off the couch. Yet, for others, some changes in your boring or ineffective training must be made to produce results. Some of you believe the elliptical machine is a path to fitness. You are wrong. It may be a start, but it is VERY ineffective at producing results. It mostly wastes your time. Let's do things right!

WOD 09/28/2009


Healthy Focus WOD 09/28/2009

Rest Day

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Remember the 3 D's of Success:

Desire - set a goal

Determination - strive hard for the goal - make sure it's something you really want

Discipline - the 3 are interlinked together - you will achieve your goals/dreams - if you work at it and believe in yourself.


Healthy Focus/WOD 09/27/2009

5 minutes walk/run
5 walkout squat push ups
10 minute walk/run
10 walkout squat pushups
10 minute walk/run
10 walkout squat pushups
5 minute walk/run
5 walkout squat push ups

We have combined that squat and those pushups into one exercise, total body in one exercise, who know this would be so easy! Remember to keep that core tight the entire time.

The Hard Routine

So here is what OUR Hard Routine is all about. Pick some clearly defined behavior and habit changes within both DIET and ACTIVITY categories. Some of the changes will be to add certain foods and activities, and some changes will be to abstain from certain ones. It's completely up to YOU to make those "rules" and guidelines. I will be here to help you articulate to YOURSELF what your rules might look like be based on your current lifestyle and body type.

Why a formalized campaign? Because doing this by yourself is a real bitch. Doing this alongside a spouse, coworkers, friends, or family creates a postive support network to make healthier decisions TOGETHER for the two months. "Hey Joe, you want pizza?" "No, how about grilled chicken instead." "Yeah, you're right....sounds better." Even if your support group is merely online or through emails, it holds you more accountable than going at it alone.

More coming! Can you do it? Remember what we have said in our meetings, so much of this is mental. What do you want to accomplish?

WOD 09/27/2009


#40 dumbbells
Hang clean, push press, front squat
abdominal crunches over stability ball

Saturday, September 26, 2009

WOD 09/26/2009

Burpee/pull up


100 rounds
one burpee
one pull-up

Complete one burpee and one pull up one after another until you reach 100 of each!

Not as bad as you think but be ready to do some heavy breathing!

Record your time.

Healthy Focus WOD 09/26/2009

Easy Day:

Get out and walk, see if you can get in 40 minutes. Complete at your own pace. Enjoy the cool weather.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Five Reasons You’re Always Starving-

1. You eat the right foods at the wrong times.
Eating at different times every day can make it difficult for you to tune in to your body’s hunger signals.
The Fix: Plan ahead.
Write out a schedule that focuses on eating within 2 hours of waking up and every 3-5hours after that for the rest of the day.

2. You eat breakfast, just not the right kind.
The foods you choose can have a major impact on how satisfied you feel the rest of the day.
The Fix: Build a better mix of nutrients.
The key to making your breakfast hold your appetite until lunch is building a morning meal that contains both protein and carbs.

3. Your diet is flawless but flavorless.
If diet-conscious standbys like grilled chicken and steamed veggies are on your plate, you could be headed for trouble. You’re liable to get bored and eventually have difficulty sticking with your weight-loss plan.
The Fix: Spice it up.
Get creative in the kitchen! Experiment with fresh flavorful herbs: like basil, gingerroot, oregano, and mint, add a dash of lemon juice or balsamic vinegar and for sweetness add a teaspoon of honey or brown sugar. This can make your dishes more satisfying in taste.

4. You stockpile your calories.
Do you often eat so sparingly during the day that by the time dinner rolls around you’re famished? This strategy can backfire, leading to uncontrollable overeating in the evening.
The Fix: Frontload those calories.
Eating earlier in the day is a must to head off disaster. Limit the size of your evening meal so you can wake up eager for breakfast.

5. You drink your meals.
Drinking too many caloric beverages can ultimately leave you feeling unsatisfied.
The Fix: Rethink convenience.
Focus on food combinations that will get you through to your next meal.

WOD 09/25/2009

Five sets maximum reps

Bench press body weight
pull ups
squat with body weight behind head on shoulders

record reps for each set

Healthy Focus/WOD 09/25/2009

First off, thank you Liz for sharing such inspiring words today. Your accomplishments should be complimented time and time again! Oh and should I say, 300? What a job! What will I challenge you with next?


(As Many Rounds as Possible)

15 minutes, keep repeating the below exercises one after the next for 15 minutes. Record how many reps you complete each set. Take a break as you need. Push yourself, only 15 minutes effort!

30 second hold plank
10 supermans
10 sit ups
10 push ups
10 squats
10 lunges

Thursday, September 24, 2009

The Hard Routine

Beginning October 1st, 2009, we will be in what has been referred to as THE HARD ROUTINE. This is a two-month fitness, health, and wellness campaign to help jump start some positive habits before the holiday season.

1. Recognize that there is a benefit to not getting everything you want.

2. Understand that mental toughness is born of adversity; that it will atrophy if not constantly engaged; and that it carries over to everything
you do.

3. Objectively scrutinize one or a handful of things in your life that you think you need but could actually do without.

4. Deny yourself those exact things for a specified period of time.

Lose Weight and Gain Energy

Tip #10: Do not become a slave to the scale

Though it is normal to lose one or two pounds a week on a successful exercise program, monitoring your athletic performance can keep your eyes on what really matters: overall fitness! Aiming for improvements in strength, speed, flexibility and blood pressure can make losing weight, and keeping it off, that much easier.

WOD 09/24/2009

Five sets AFAP

20 pull ups
30 push ups
40 sit ups
50 squats

Rest three minutes between each set

Healthy Focus/WOD 09/24/2009

As we move another week closer to that 5 k. Lets keep moving.

6 sets of the following, this will be 24 minutes of activity.

3 minute walk
1 minute jog or a faster walking pace

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Motivational quotes

Change will come ONLY when the pain of staying the same is greater than the pain of change.
It's not by chance we accomplish it, it's by choice. Make every change for the better and every choice matter.

Lose Weight and Gain Energy

Tip #9: Fiber opting

While calories and fat hog the nutrition label spotlight, fiber should not be overlooked. Beyond its bowel benefits, fiber may even help you drop a few pounds. Soluble fiber slows the rate at which food leaves the stomach, making you feel fuller, longer. It can also lower your cholesterol and normalize your blood sugar level, and it may reduce your risk of colon cancer and cardiovascular disease. Keep in mind that different types of fiber provide different benefits, so you will need to break out the breakfast cereal box; get your fiber fix from a mix of whole grains, green vegetables, berries, apples, and pears. Research suggest glucomannan, a type of soluble fiber sold in pill form, can also aid in weight loss. To ensure maximum absorption, break the capsule over a meal before eating.

WOD 09/23/2009

Rest Day

Healthy Focus/WOD 09/23/2009

Rest day

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Lose Weight and Gain Energy

Tip #8: Canned and frozen

Processed fruits and vegetables are often canned or frozen just hours after harvest, so they retain nutrients better than fresh produce that has spent a long time in transit from farm to fork. Choose canned (or frozen without added sugar or excess sodium). Stir-fry or steam frozen vegetables, but warm canned vegetables in their own liquid - it typically contains one third of vegetable's nutrients.

WOD 09/22/2009

Four rounds for time of:
100 foot walking lunge, carrying 25 pound dumbells or kettlebells
24 inch box jump, 30 reps
30 push ups (regular or from knees or combination of both)

Healthy Focus/WOD 09/22/2009

10 minute walk/run
10 supermans
10 situps
10 minute walk/run
10 supermans
10 situps
10 minute walk run
10 superman
10 situps

Monday, September 21, 2009

Lose Weight and Gain Energy

Tip #7: Tweak your metabolism

Weight loss plateaus have many causes. If you have ruled out under eating (which triggers fat storage) and excessive stress (which releases cortisol, inhibiting fat loss), you metabolism could just need a workout of its own. Working out harder and eating more - while keeping the overall balance the same - could improve your ability to break down food.

WOD 09/21/2009

6 sets

10 thrusters #95
10 pull ups
400 meter run

Healthy Focus/WOD 09/21/2009

25 minute walk/run

If you have only been walking, up that pace for at least one minute every five minutes. If you are ready for a light jog, every five minutes increase your speed to a light jog.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Lose Weight and Gain Energy

Tip #6: Choose fruits with fewer carbs.

Fruits pack healthier carbs than cookies do, but not all fruits are created equal. Sure, most dried fruits are good for you, but they offer relatively few nutrients for the carbs in each. When possible, opt for blackberries, raspberries, and papaya, which are loaded with fiber and other powerful nutrients and carry far fewer carbs per serving.

WOD 09/20/2009


4 sets

5 pull ups (jumping pull ups will work too!)
10 push ups
20 mountain climbers
25 bicycles
30 alternating lunges

Healthy Focus/WOD 09/20/2009

4 sets

20 Alternating rear lunges
20 Bird dogs (hold each extension for a minimum of 5 seconds)
20 push ups (once again; either wall pushups, from your knees or on your toes)
20 bicycles

Take a one minute break and repeat set.

Pointer: Remember on the pushups, abs and glutes need to be tight through the entire exercise.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Lose Weight and Gain Energy

Tip #5: Lose meat, and lose weight

You can lose weight on a vegetarian diet. Just don't pig out on chocolate raisins, pastries, and cheese fries. A healthy vegetarian diet includes high fiber, low calorie density food such as beans and broccoli. These foods make you feel fuller faster. You might consider a partially vegetarian diet including low fat dairy, eggs, and fish to maintain protein intake without packing on saturated fat and calories.

Healthy Focus/WOD 09/19/2009

Keeping with leg, core strength, and the walk run complete the following sets AFAP:

10 Air Squats
2 minutes walk/ run
15 Air Squats
2 minutes walk/ run
20 Air Squats
2 Minutes walk/ run
25 Air Squats
4 minutes walk /run
25 Air Squats
2 minutes walk/ run
20 Air squats
2 minutes walk/run
15 Air squats
2 minutes walk/run
10 Air squats

Air Squats: Guess that would be the word of the day! Remember to keep those abdominal muscles tight and when coming up make sure knees are at full extension and those glutes (those butt muscles)are tight. As for how deep you go on the squat? That is on you and your range of motion. Do not go deeper then you can and make sure you stay in a pain free range. When watching the video, those two are full speed. Weight is on the heels not on the toes. Do not let the heels come off the ground. If you need a wall for support when starting, use it!

WOD 09/19/2009

5 K run (3.5 miles)

Record time.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Lose Weight and Gain Energy

Tip #4:

Do not pig out after a workout
Your body needs carbs and protein within 15 minutes of your last rep, but spreading out your eating will make better use of your elevated metabolism. Overloading your fat burning engine can shunt extra calories and fat.

Healthy Focus/ WOD 09/18/2009


Two weeks completed, have we recorded in our food jounals?

WOD 09/18/2009

Rest day

Recover from yesterdays heavy day. If you missed a work out last week, make it up today.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Healthy Focus /WOD 09/17/2009

2 sets
10 Supermans (alternating opposite arm and leg)
20 Push ups / wall pushups
30 rows single arm rows with light resistance (15 right arm, 15 left arm)

Hold each superman for 3-10 seconds building to a 20 second hold.

WOD 09/17/2009

Heavy Day

With the philosophy of continuing to mix up the work outs, I am adding a heavy day into the mix of workouts. This will not be very often but will occur occasionally.

The work out today will be:

6 sets of 5 repetitions at your maximum effort

I would start off with a warm up of one or two sets of about 50% of the weight you are expecting to lift. You lifts should be very difficult as you reach the fifth repetition. Record you lift weight for each set you complete on the comment list.

Lose Weight and Gain Energy

#3 Stop post work food cravings

Worker bees eat lunch between noon and 1:00 p.m., but dinner might not come until 8 at night. A snack in between will blunt cravings and allow for a sensible dinner without the junk-food binge. The best advice is to eat better earlier in the day, but don't gorge, and take advantage of a mid afternoon break to down a quick snack. Good choices include some protein, such as a yogurt, and apple with a thin layer of peanut butter, or some string cheese.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Children Who Get Flu Vaccine Have Three Times Risk Of Hospitalization For Flu

The above headline comes from Science Daily on May 20, 2009. The ensuing article reports on research presented at the International Conference of the American Thoracic Society that stated that children who get the flu vaccine are more at risk for hospitalization than those children who do not.

In this study researchers followed 263 children ages 6 months to 18 years, who were evaluated at the Mayo Clinic and had laboratory-confirmed influenza between 1996 to 2006. The researchers determined who received the flu vaccine and who did not. They then looked at their asthma status and who did and did not require hospitalization. The records were reviewed for each child with influenza-related illness to see if they had the flu vaccination preceding the illness and if they required hospitalization during that illness.

The researchers found that children who had received the flu vaccine had three times the risk of hospitalization, as compared to children who had not received the vaccine.

Avni Joshi, M.D., of the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN, responded in the Science Daily article by noting, "The concerns that vaccination may be associated with asthma exacerbations have been disproved with multiple studies in the past, but the vaccine's effectiveness has not been well-established." Dr. Joshi, continued, "This study was aimed at evaluating the effectiveness of the TIV (vaccine) in children overall, as well as the children with asthma, to prevent influenza-related hospitalization." He continued by explaining that this study does not mean that the cause of the hospitalizations was the vaccine, "While these findings do raise questions about the efficacy of the vaccine, they do not in fact implicate it as a cause of hospitalizations."

WOD 09/16/2009

4 rounds
10 pull ups
20 push ups
30 sit ups
40 air squats
one minute jump rope
one minute rest

Make sure you get the whole minute rest before starting second, third and fourth sets. Remember to modify if needed, jumping pullups or pushup on the knees. Whatever you need to do to get through. If you need to pull behind those legs to get up on the sit ups, do it! Those abs will still be contracting, working, and you will be burning calories. Record time of each set and total time.

Healthy Focus / WOD 09/16/2009

25 minute walk

Record distance

Lose Weight and Gain Energy

#2 Eat from a small plate
According to research, we suffer from "unit bias," which means we tend to be satisfied based on what's served to us, regardless of portion size. Take advantage of this, and start small: One or two small plates per person may do the same to satisfy body and brain as that 18- ounce T-bone.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Lose Weight and Gain Energy

Packing a few extra pounds can make you feel lethargic and put stress on your joints, making it hard to find the energy to exercise. If you could stand to lose a few, here are ten tips to help you get started.

1. Slow down to lose weight
Wolfing down food can sabotage your weight loss efforts. A study at the University o f Rhode Island found that slow eaters consume about 67 fewer calories per meal, which suggest that you could potentially cut 201 calories out of your day. Start with a salad or light side dish before moving to the main course. This will give your appetite time to catch up.

In the next nine days I will share another nine tips!!!

Healthy Focus /WOD 09/15/2009

2 sets
30 rear lunges alternating legs
30 step ups
30 rear lunges alternating legs
30 step ups

Following two sets a 10 minute walk.

For the step ups you can walk up stairs or even just walk up one step and then down one step 3o times.

WOD 09/15/2009

21-15-9 reps

Deadlifts #225
Handstand pushups

This workout is done as 3 sets, the first is 21 reps of both the exercises, right to the second set of 15 reps and finishing up with 9 reps of each.

Remember you can always modify, be sure to note how you do that modification for next time you may be able to increase resistance.  Example of a modification would be deadlifts with 125 pounds or instead of doing handstand push ups, you could do pushups or pushups with your feet elevated or even push presses.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Hormone Shortage

When your thyroid gland doesn't pump out enough of is its namesake hormone, your metabolism is forced to downshift. This is called hypothyroidism, and it slows almost every metabolic process. Lethargy and weight gain are two of the most common symptoms, but a definitive diagnosis requires a blood test of your thyroid-stimulating hormone.

WOD 09/14/2009


5 sets of 10 repetitions of each

Wall Ball (#25 pound ball)
Pull Ups
Push ups

A cheap fix for the wall ball, flatten a basketball, fill it with 25 pounds of sand and then duck tape it, works great!

Healthy Focus/ WOD 09/14/2009

25 minute walk/run

Walk/run means walk but if you can run (light jog) for part of the walk, do it! Even a 30 second or one minute effort greater then then walk will be beneficial.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Smoking cessation

Smoking tends to rev up your metabolism. The likely reason: Your body is forced to expand extra energy trying to detoxify itself from the chemicals. Unfortunately, this is a big part of why people experience weight gain after quitting. To help offset the metabolic dip, try exercising and chewing a combination of Nicorette and jot gums. Research reported in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that men who chewed nicotine gum (2mg) spiked with 100 mg caffeine experienced a 10% increase in metabolism.

WOD 09/13/2009

Rest Day

Heathy Focus / WOD 09/13/2009

Happy Sunday - Rest day

If you missed one of the previous WOD's, utilize today to make that day up.

Saturday, September 12, 2009


Don't eye the top of the ladder, eye the next rung.

General Colin Powell

Drug Therepy

It is one of the ironies of antidepressants: They boost a person's spirits while depressing their metabolism. Even though the brain-body mechanism is still a mystery, a study review by German researchers identified the mood meds most likely to cause this side affect. These include: Aventyl (nortiptyline), Paxil (paraxetine), and Remeron (mirtazapine). If one of these are prescribed to you ask your doctor about a possible switch to Wellbutrin (butropion), which can actually raise your metabolism.

This suggestion came from Men's Health Magazine. Although I posted earlier in the week I was going to offer these suggestions; with some thought, this will be the last time. I am not a big proponent of the use of drugs and do not wat to promote this use on this blogpage. I believe many time this is a cover up for a more underlining problem that can be addressed and treated with other measures.

I'll share some of those suggestions in future posts.

WOD / Healthy Focus 09/12/2009


2 rounds

10 Push-ups / or wall push ups
20 Air Squats
30 Bird dogs (15 right/ 15 left)

New from WEight Watchers - Prepackage Cheeses

New from Weight Watchers ~ Prepackage Cheeses 

Available in (8) eight varieties, all of the cheeses provide a delicious, convenient option to higher calorie, regular cheese. The best part is these great tasting products all have a POINTS value of either 1 or 2 per serving.

Visit for more information.

WOD 09/12/2009

Power Test

5 minutes
KB #35 Clean and press
As many reps as possible.

KB must hit the ground and then arm at full extension over head. You can partition the lifts anyway you desire. Example, left arm 10, right arm 10, left arm 9, right arm 9, etc.

Five minutes of effort at your maximum.

Record total repetitions

Friday, September 11, 2009


"Set your goals high and don't stop until you get there." ~ Bo Jackson

Missed Meals

Severe calorie restriction create a biological billboard that says, We're starving here! Your body responds by slowing your metabolism in order to hold on to existing energy stores. Whats more, if the food shortage continues, you will begin burning fat and muscle tissue, which will further lower your metobolic rate. If you are skipping meals because you want to look leaner in no time, temporarily reduce your daily carbohydrate intake to below 50 grams , but with our eating less than 2000 calories.

These numbers are based on the average male. Before getting crazy with calorie counts, continue to record your food intake and lets determine a baseline for what you need.

WOD 09/11/2009


4 rounds
5 handstand pushups
10 pullups
15 clean and press #35 KB (right and left sides)
20 supermans
25 situps

WOD/ Healthy Focus 09/11/2009

AFAP ( As Fast As Possible)

20 air squats
10 minute walk
20 air squats
10 minute walk
20 air squat

Thursday, September 10, 2009


"Those who do not find time for exercise will have to find time for illness." ~Earl of Darby


AFAP - five rounds

10 reps, Squat Cleans #135 
15 reps, Chest Press (R) w/ crunch #35 KB
15 reps, Chest Press (L) w/ crunch #35 KB
20 reps, KB swing #70
100 meter run

WOD/ Healthy Focus

20 minute walk/run

Record distance covered

Jumpstart Your Metabolism

Feel as if you are never fired up? One or more of these four hidden factors may be undermining your metabolism, combined processes by which your body's cells produce energy. Here are four suggestions to beat the burnout and stoke your metabolism again.

Need you to keep coming back.

Friday - Missed meals
Saturday- Drug therapy
Sunday- Smoking cessation
Monday- Hormone shortage

Quick Fixes for Fatigue

You're so predictable. Everyday, you run out of steam, lose juice, or otherwise hit the wall at nearly the exact time same times.

How do I know this?  Because it happens to everyone.  In fact, its like clockwork, which actually makes sense, because your body clock is part of the problem:  When your internal chronometer is out of whack, you feel wiped out.  There are other reasons, too.  I will detail some of these reasons in the following days and offer some quick fixes, or at at least a work around for each problem.

In the upcoming days, consider your energy crisis solved!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Asthma Study on Benefits to Chiropractic

Asthma has become a large health concern for children in recent years. Over the past 20 years the incidence of asthma has doubled. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimated that in 1998, approximately 17,299,000 people in the United States, or 6.4% of the population, with cases among very young children up 160%. As reported in the June 16, 1999 issue of JAMA, the CDC also noted that between 1980 and 1994, the number of people self-reporting asthma grew 75%.

In a study conducted in 1996 by the Michigan Chiropractic Council (MCC), a panel of doctors performed an out-come assessment study to test the qualitative and quantitative effectiveness of chiropractic care on children with asthma. The high demand of parents seeking alternative care for pediatric asthma was shown by the overwhelming interest in the study. More than 500 parents called the MCC seeking to get their child involved in the chiropractic study.

The study, which took place during May and June of 1996, examined the chiropractic effectiveness in correcting the cause of asthma in patients from birth to age 17. The average age of the participant was 10 years. "After 30 days of chiropractic health care, patients averaged only one attack, whereas prior to the study they were experiencing more than four attacks," said MCC Dr. Bob Graham, who directed the study. "Medications, which can be costly, were decreased by nearly 70 percent. Finally, patient satisfaction was rated 8.5 on a scale of 10." More than 70 chiropractors from 62 cities in Michigan studied more than 80 children suffering from asthma.