Wednesday, October 7, 2009

WOD 10/07/2009

Monster effort needed today, rest up hydrate and be ready for some pain.

Today is the "Bear" routine.

5 sets

Each set is 7 reps; after each set add weight to reach maximum load by 5th set.

Power clean to front squat
push press returning bar to behind the head
Rear squat
Push press
return the bar to the ground and begin second rep

You can not rest until set is completed, if you need to regrip or rest need to do it with the bar in the air.

Record load for each set.

Video link: The Bear Complex


  1. Not a good day. I did not have it in me today.....

    first set: #75
    second: #85
    third: #95 needed to rest after 4th rep
    fourth: #105 Rested after 3rd rep
    fifth: #115 After two rest and stopped.....

    I was failing on squats (not deep enough), push presses from back to front getting hard, and grip getting very tired.

  2. Before leaving I ripped out two sets of
    5 pull ups
    10 push ups
    10 knees to elbow
    10 (rt)(lt) single KB swings

  3. way to go schlik! keep us the good work - like u said in today's post - gotta get sleep (especially in this age of crappy viruses!)
