Thursday, October 29, 2009

WOD 10/29/2009

Turkish Get Up Day (TGU)

#0 10 Right arm and 10 left arm
#10 8 right arm and 8 left arm
#20 6 right arm and 6 left arm
#30 4 right arm and 4 left arm
#40 2 right arm and 2 left arm
#50 1 right arm and 1 left arm

Work on your form, finds whats most comfortable for you. As you look at the video on the side bar, mine a few days ago, or others posted on utube, you will see many variations. It all comes down to getting up and laying down with that arm at full extension over the head.

1 comment:

  1. 11/01
    half mile run to MBC
    TGU work out
    half mile run home

