Saturday, October 10, 2009

WOD 10/10/2009


4 rounds

5 pull ups
10 burpees
15 KB clean and press Right #35
15 KB clean and press Left #35
20 knees to elbows
25 Wall Balls #20
30 Box Jumps
35 KB Swings #35
42 walking lungs carrying #25 each hand

Yes 42! Its my birthday!! Record time and if how you feel!!!


  1. Happy Birthday! Have a great day - take your wife out for a good dinner!

  2. 47:54
    How do I feel???? Take a guess:)
    I had two goals on this one, do it under an hour and to keep it 100% range of motion. One of the things I am doing for the hard routine is no matter what, keep it full ROM. I think I would get a better workout doing 8rds of full ROM than 10rds of half ars'n it. So with that said, I got done with the first round no problem and by the middle of the second round I was thinking "there is no way I am doing 4 rounds of this." But, by the end of the 3rd round I decided no matter what I was doing the whole thing, so mental victory as well.

    Didn't have access to a med ball so I could not do the wall balls, but I did do squats. And I traded the lunges for 45lb each hand.

  3. Nick! Great effort, as with much of pushing yourself, mental and physical, you are right! So much of this is a "head" game! Nice job staying in till the end. I am going to try this tomorrow, Monday, along with the 5k run later in the day. It is rough getting anything in after these 12 hour days!!!

  4. I am embarrassed that I missed your birthday. Happy Belated Birthday Jim and many thanks to all your help to us. You are truly special.


  5. Nick! Your my hero, I ran out of time and good thing, legs on fire after those deep lunges!!

    I finished three rounds at 36:11. I will have to do that one again!! I was sweating up a storm.
